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Arkiv: Overstået event

Raise Your Horns 2024

Musik: Rock/Pop

Bornholm vil slå revner! Den 6. og 7. september 2024 vender Raise Your Horns tilbage, og sparker atter igen dørene op for din ynglings metal.

Som vikingerne, har Raise Your Horns i programmet for 2024, kigget længere væk end bare vores egen andedam til vores nabolande. Vi lover dig at det bliver både tungt, hårdt og symfonisk, så vær ikke i tvivl... Raise Your Horns 2024 bliver en fest både ude og inde i de nye rammer på Kjøllergaard, hvor du også kan campere.
Bornholm will crack!On 6 and 7 September 2024, Raise Your Horns returns, and once again kicks the doors open for your favorite metal. Like the Vikings, Raise Your Horns in the program for 2024 has looked further afield than to our neighboring countries. We promise you that it will be both heavy, hard and symphonic, so don't be in any doubt... Raise Your Horns 2024 will be a party both outside and inside the new setting at Kjøllergaard, where you can also camp.