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Jump copenhagen Jazz Festival

Musik: Jazz

En. Jump - pat Thomas / Andrea Giordano / Maria Dybbroe (GB/IT/DK/NO). A new pan-European trio from different generations met in Oslo in august 2021 when the pandemic was finally about to loosen its grip on the world.

With a symbiotic first meeting, it was obvious that this was the start of a new band. In a both collective and curious mindset, the trio creates breathing spaces of music while investigating landscapes with inspirations from both classical music, electro-pop, avantgarde and jazz. Piano cascades and electronics intertwine, first mellow, then energetic and expressive. Vocals and clarinet dissolves into a percussive tapestry for a moment, before moving to melodic counter-pointing lines. This is music where you have the feeling that everything is possible, and at the same time that the three improvisers follow a strong common narrative.
"The trio communicates with a capaciousness which serves the total. This is electro-acoustic balance delicacy of highest quality. (...) They drive the music constantly through new rooms. This is how it should be. Here you undoubtable feel a nerve.(...) Thomas, Giordano and Dybbroe fill their own surpise-bag."
(Arild R. Andersen, JazziNorge, 27. aug 2021, Blowout Festivalen)
Pat Thomas is a British pianist, who has developed an utterly unique style - embracing improvisation, jazz and new music. He has played with some of the most well-known improvisers in the world, including Derek Bailey in Company Week (1990/91) and in the trio AND (with Steve Noble). Thomas has also played with Tony Oxley's Quartet and Celebration Orchestra, as well as in a Duo with Lol Coxhill.
"Sartorially shabby as Thomas may be, and on first impression even rather stolid, he has a somewhat imperious charisma that's immediately amplified when he starts to play. Unlike other pianists whose virtuosity seems to be racing ahead of their thought processes Thomas always seems supremely in command of his gift, and his playing, no matter how free and ready to tangle with abstraction, always carries a charge of authoritative exactitude." - The Jazzmann
Maria Dybbroe is a Danish saxophonist, composer and improviser based in Oslo, known for her listening and very melodic and intuitive playing, as well as her very personal sound. In 2020 she was nominated to the Danish Critic's Prize 'Steppeulven' as 'Composer of the Year' for Caktus' debut-album 'Under Solen', which was also nominated at Danish Music Awards Jazz as 'Album of the year'. Her main ensembles are Køs, Caktus and Maraton, but she plays in many different groups and has played with prominent artists like; Laura Toxværd, Tristan Honsinger, Ståle Solberg, Bon Iver, Lotte Anker, Jacob Anderskov, Pia Tafdrup, Lowly, Mija Milovic and T.S. Høeg
Andrea S Giordano is an Italian musician based in Oslo. Composer, improviser, singer and multi-instrumentalist developing her language with piedmontese dialect and harmonic juxtapositions. She is going to release an album with her large ensemble Àlea, her first solo produced during the residency at the Elektronmusikstudion EMS (Stockholm) and she is currently working with the long-lasting duo OTONN and other artists such as Ingar Zach, Alessandra Rombolà, John Andrew Wilhite and Christian Meaas Svendsen. She is also curating the concert series Improverk.
Video: https://youtu.be/-XmFyImEeUE?si=uVT62dxrR9UskZ23
JUMP - Pat Thomas / Andrea Giordano / Maria Dybbroe (GB/IT/DK/NO)
I august 2021, da pandemien endelig var ved at løsne sit greb om verden, mødtes en ny paneuropæisk trio på tværs af generationer i Oslo, og med et symbiotisk første møde var det tydeligt, at her var starten på et nyt band - JUMP. I en kollektiv og nysgerrig tilgang skaber trioen åndehuller af musik og undersøger landskaber med inspiration fra både klassisk musik, elektro-pop, avantgarde-musik og jazz. Klaverkaskader og elektronik fletter sig ind i hinanden, først blidt, derefter energisk og udtryksfuldt. Vokal og klarinet opløses i en perkussiv struktur et øjeblik, før de går over til melodiske modsatrettede linjer. Det er musik, hvor man har følelsen af, at alt er muligt, og samtidig følger de tre improvisatorer en stærk fælles fortælling.
"Trioen kommunikerer med en kapacitet, som tjener totalen. Dette er en elektro-akustisk balancet delikatesse af højeste kvalitet. (...) De driver musikken konstant gennem nye rum. Sådan skal det være. Her mærker man utvivlsomt en nerve.(...) Thomas, Giordano og Dybbroe fylder deres egen overraskelsespose." (Arild R. Andersen, JazziNorge, 27. aug 2021, Blowout Festivalen)

Pat Thomas er en britisk pianist, som har udviklet en helt unik stil - der omfatter improvisation, jazz og ny klassisk musik. Han har spillet med nogle af de mest kendte improvisatorer i verden, herunder Derek Bailey i Company Week (1990/91) og i trioen AND (med Steve Noble). Thomas har også spillet med Tony Oxleys Quartet and Celebration Orchestra, samt i en Duo med Lol Coxhill. Han turnerer verden rundt og må siges at være en.