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Verdens Religionernes Dag Danmark

Diverse: Foredrag

"Verdensreligionsdag er en højtid, der blev indledt i 1950 af Bahá'iernes Nationale Åndelige Forsamling, som fejres over hele verden den tredje søndag i januar hvert år.

Selvom den blev indledt i USA, er Verdensreligionsdag kommet skal fejres internationalt.Beskrevet som en "bahá'í-inspireret idé, der har fået sit eget liv", ligger oprindelsen af World Religion Day i bahá'í-principperne om religionens enhed og progressiv åbenbaring, som beskriver religion som en konstant udvikling gennem historien menneskelighed. Formålet med World Religion Day er at fremhæve ideerne om, at de spirituelle principper, der ligger til grund for verdens religioner, er harmoniske, og at religioner spiller en væsentlig rolle i at forene menneskeheden."
"World Religion Day is an observance that was initiated in 1950 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, which is celebrated worldwide on the third Sunday in January each year. Though initiated in the United States, World Religion Day has come to be celebrated internationally.Described as a "Bahá'í-inspired idea that has taken on a life of its own", the origins of World Religion Day lie in the Bahá'í principles of the oneness of religion and of progressive revelation, which describe religion as evolving continuously throughout the history of humanity. The purpose of World Religion Day is to highlight the ideas that the spiritual principles underlying the world's religions are harmonious, and that religions play a significant role in unifying humanity.".