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Shie said

Musik: Andet/Ukendt

English below. I duoen shie said er fængende melodier, spundet ind i hinanden af to stemmer og to guitarer.

På den nye EP "In Ecstasy" mærker man hvordan duoen samarbejder om at skabe sange der, i det ene øjeblik resonerer i smuk harmoni og, i det næste, vækker lytteren med sprøde dissonanser. I shie said er skrøbelighed og styrke to sider af samme sang.

shie said

In the shie said duo, captivating melodies are woven from two voices and two guitars. Ida and Sofie collaborate to craft songs that, in one moment, resonate in beautiful harmony and, in the next, awaken the listener with crisp dissonances. In shie said, fragility and strength are two sides of the same song.



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shiesaid/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/shiesaidmusicduo

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8WFmKm3q53XXAR3EvKbSug?fbclid=IwY2xjawFFCeNleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHc_FBJQx9SxnsodzJ9UAF6vEK_X7Mw5PnJXvu4UCpJ9zfUN5iLGxS5KAew_aem_341B4BaFhqjEtINJ-siURg

Foto: Marianne Syvsig.